- 08/10/07 - ESMT's and Deferred Comp
ESMT's and Deferred Comp
Terminating employee cannot access their deferred comp dollars from their account until the State notifies the Deferred Comp Vendor of their termination. This is done through file transfers from SAMII HR. The Deferred Comp Vendor receives the termination notice on the date of the “T” status ESMT. If you enter the “T” with a future date, then that notification will go to the Deferred Comp Vendor on the effective date of that ESMT. If you enter the “T” with the date that has passed, it will be transferred to them the night you enter it.
For the benefit of the employee, this is another example where entering the ESMT ahead of time is the best practice.
- 10/05/06 - Correct Use of Leave Codes
Correct Use of Leave Codes
When paying out leave, using the correct code is very important. The ALPO, FCPO, HCPO, and SCPO codes are to be used when an employee is terminating state employment. These codes do not include a retirement contribution which is automatically excluded by the system. The ALPOP code is to be used when an employee is transferring to another agency. This code also does not include a retirement contribution which is automatically excluded by the system. FCPOP, HCPOP, and SCPOP codes are to be used when an employee is transferring to another agency and you are paying out some of their leave. These amounts are included when the system calculates retirement contributions. The FCPOP, HCPOP, and SCPOP codes are also used when you are paying out balances to employees when they are still employed.
- 08/13/06 - Direct Deposit Processes
Direct Deposit Application Processes
Below are some reminders regarding direct deposit application processes:
Agencies should review the direct deposit application and compare it with the voided check information before submitting it to OA/Accounting.If you fax the direct deposit form, do not send the original to OA. We image all these documents and will already have it on file.
To provide prompt processing, agencies should not hold direct deposit applications. Please forward them to OA/Accounting as soon as possible.
The employee must be an owner of the account that is used for direct deposit of payroll. The employee's name must be included on the voided check or a letter from the bank must state he/she is an owner of the account.
When processing reversals in coordination with the supplemental cycles, it takes at least 24 hours to recover the money from the employee's account---please submit forms as soon as possible. A Supplemental Check Request Form starts the reversal process for direct deposit recipients--there is no need to call OA/Accounting. Supplemental checks will not be released until the reversal has been confirmed by our bank.
- 05/09/06 - Holiday Worked Hours
Holiday Worked Hours
Since we have a couple of Holidays in May, it is a good time to remind timekeepers on the proper way to enter Holiday worked hours:
If an 8 hour per day employee is scheduled to work the holiday and their WDAY indicates the Holiday, enter a CPER for the hours worked, up to 8 using the HOLWK code. Any hours after the first 8 should be recorded with the code ADDHR
If an 8 hour per day employee is NOT scheduled to work, but does work on the holiday, and their WDAY indicates an OFF day, use 8 hours 1HRDO on the CPER and also ADDHR for the actual hours worked. This will accrue Holiday Comp on a Regular Day off, plus record the hours actually work for proper comp time calculations.