4. SAM II Interface Transactions
This section indicates which transactions will be allowed to be input via an interface file from the agencies. A further distinction is made to indicate if the interfaced transactions will be loaded into SAM II with approvals applied. If not, the documents will need to have a central approval.
4.1 Accounts Receivable Documents
The accounts receivable documents are required to be input into SAM II if an Agency has receivables from customers. The transactions listed below are required to operate the Accounts Receivable system. However, at a minimum, the Cash Receipt (CR) will be needed to record revenue into SAM II.
Accounts Receivable | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
NF - Non Sufficient Funds | No | This document is typically used to reverse bad checks that have been applied to a receivable (RE) document, thereby, re-opening the receivable and charging bad check fees if appropriate. |
RE - Receivables | Yes | This document is used to record account receivable information against a customer's account. All accounts receivable are required to be input into SAM II. However, with approval by the Office of Administration, summarized accounts receivable information can be posted on a periodic pre-determined basis. If summarized accounts receivable are used, cash receipts need to reference the receivables to reduce the receivable balance. |
RERE - Recurring Receivables | N/A | The recurring receivable functionality of SAM II Advanced Receivables automatically generates Receivable (RE) documents using information entered on the Recurring Receivable table (RERE). This enables the automatic billings of pre-determined fixed charges that occur on a fixed periodic or recurring basis. Recurring receivables can be established for external and manual federal receivables. Agencies can also use this functionality for interagency billings. The recurring receivable functionality is useful for recording recurring events (accounting transactions) such as rent collection, loan repayments, or property tax collection. |
RM - Receivable Credit Memos | No | This document is used to post a credit memo against an accounts receivable balance. |
CRQ - Quick Cash Receipt | Yes | This document is used to record deposits into local banks. |
CR - Cash Receipts | No | This document is used to record the cash receipt or revenue collections in the State. This document can reference an accounts receivable document, if appropriate. |
4.2 Budget Documents
The documents below are those that are used to enter or change an appropriation, allotment or an expense budget. These documents can be entered on-line or interfaced and will need to be approved by OA Budget and Planning.
Budget | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
AL - Allotment | No | This document is used to set up and make changes to an allotment. It is also used to make the governor’s reserve available to spend. |
AP - Appropriation | No | This document is used to set up and make changes to an appropriation. It is also used to release the Governor’s Reserve or deactivate an appropriation. |
EB - Expense Budget | No | This document is used to set up and make changes to an expense budget. It is also used to deactivate an expense budget. |
EB2 - Modified Expense Budget | Yes | This document is used to modify expense budget lines. |
RB - Revenue Budget | Yes | This document is used to set up and make changes to a revenue budget. It is also used to deactivate a revenue budget. |
TA - Transfer Appropriation | No | This document is used to transfer an appropriation amount to another appropriation. A good example might be the set up of an administrative appropriation after the Legislative Budget has been approved. |
TB - Transfer Budget | Yes | This document is used to transfer an expense budget amount to another expense budget. The most logical usage of this document is when an agency wants to set up spending control at the detail expense budget level and then make adjustments. |
AR - Agency Reserve | No | This document can be used by an agency to set aside appropriated dollars on their own budgets. Budget and Planning will not be approving these documents. |
4.3 Accounts Payable Documents
These documents are the available accounts payable documents in SAM II that can be interfaced by the agencies.
Accounts Payable | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
PVQ - Quick Payment Voucher | No | This document will be used for unencumbered payments below $3,000 and for payments using an exempt object code regardless of dollar amounts. |
MP - Multiple Vendor Payment Voucher | Yes | This document will be used for generating multiple payment vouchers for vendors that are being paid out of the same accounting distribution for various amounts. When a MP is accepted in SAMII, the system automatically creates a PVV document that must be taken to an accept status prior to the issuance of a check. |
P1-Vendor Payment Voucher | Yes | This document is used to request payment against encumbrances. This document will need to reference the purchase order and the vendor invoice in order to process appropriately. |
PVS - Special Payment Voucher | No | This document will be used to make payments for ERS/PGA payments. This document does not require a purchase order to be referenced. However, a purchase order can be referenced if appropriate. |
PVE - Expense Payment Voucher | No | This document will be used to make payments to employees for reimbursements submitted on an expense account form. |
VIQ - Quick Vendor Invoice | Yes | This document is used to record a vendor’s invoice against a purchase order. It requires a valid reference to an existing purchase order. |
REPV - Recurring Payment Voucher | N/A | The Recurring Payment Voucher (REPV) contains information used by the system to automatically create Payment Voucher (PV) documents on a approximately the 23rd of each month. For example, you can enter data in this table representing monthly utility payments and the system creates payment voucher documents using this data each month. The table is set up with header and line information. You cannot change the header information after a table is added. The system uses the header and line information each month to generate the associated PV documents. The REPV does not roll forward to the next fiscal year. The REPV must be set up each fiscal year. Recurring payments may be encumbered. The associated purchase order must be established with linking off to keep a Automatic Payment Voucher (PVA) from being generated. |
STIM - Stimulus Program Master | N/A | Need agency to provide description field. |
4.4 Fixed Assets Documents
The documents listed below are used for adding or changing fixed asset information. All fixed asset information is required to be recorded in SAM II.
Fixed Assets | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
FA - Fixed Asset Acquisition | Yes | This document is used to record fixed assets when they are acquired. |
FD - Fixed Asset Disposition | No | This document is used to record the disposal of fixed assets. |
FT - Fixed Asset Transfer | No | This document is used to transfer an asset from one agency and/or organization to another. |
FO - Fixed Asset Update | N/A | This transaction is used to update Fixed Asset description, location, complex/building, and the 6 optional description fields. It is not a document, but uses document type FO to record the action on Fixed Asset History (FHIS) window and the Fixed Asset ledgers. |
4.5 Job Cost Documents
The documents below are used to set up a job for both accounting and billing purposes.
Job Cost | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
JC - Job Charge | Yes | A JC document is used to record costs against a job, that have no accounting impact. |
JB - Job Control | Yes | The JB document is used to set up a job for future use on accounting transactions. |
JBR - MoDOT Job Control | Yes | The JBR document is used to add a new MoDOT job to the system, change the basic information about the job, or close an existing job. |
4.6 Performance Measurement Documents
Budget | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
PA-Performance Actual | Yes | The Performance Actual document records actual performance values for a specific task. |
PT-Performance Target | Yes | The Performance Target document records an expected performance target for a specific task. |
4.7 Purchasing Documents/ Tables
These documents/tables are used to record purchasing activities. Refer to the SAM II Policy and Procedures manual for proper coding instructions.
Purchasing Documents and Tables | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
PDQ - Quick Decentralized Purchase Order | No | These local Purchase orders may be utilized by any state agency to purchase supplies In accordance with their local purchase authority. The establishment of this purchase order will automatically encumber the funds necessary to pay for the supplies. The PDQ includes quantities, units of measure, and unit prices. |
PGQ - Quick Price Agreement | No | These price agreement orders may be utilized by any state agency to process an order for supplies which are included in an established price agreement (contract). PGQ documents are utilized to issue orders against price agreements that involve fixed unit prices, units of measure, and quantities. |
RXQ - Quick Requisition | Yes | Agencies request the procurement of a one-time purchase that exceeds their authority by submitting a Quick Requisition (RXQ) to OA/Division of Purchasing and Materials Management (DPMM). The RXQ, unlike the NR, includes accounting distribution information and will pre-encumber funds. |
NR - Non Pre-Encumbering Requisition | Yes | Agencies request the establishment of a new price agreement that exceeds their authority by submitting a Non-Pre-Encumbering Requisition (NR) Document to OA/Division of Purchasing and Materials Management (DPMM). Agencies may also use the NR to submit their request for a future year purchase or renewal of a price agreement. |
SC - Service Contract | Yes | These price agreement orders may be utilized by any state agency to process an order for supplies that are included in an established price agreement (contract). SC documents are utilized to issue orders against price agreements that involve pricing stated as a total price or a guaranteed not-to-exceed price. |
SCS - Simplified Service Contract | No | These local purchase orders may be utilized by any state agency to purchase supplies in accordance with their local purchase authority. The establishment of this purchase order will automatically encumber the funds necessary to pay for the supplies. The SCS should be used for service type purchases. The SCS does not include quantities, units of measure, nor unit prices. The pricing on the SCS is a total price or a guaranteed-not-to-exceed price. |
RC - Receiver | Yes | Receiver (RC) documents are used to record the receipt of supplies referenced against a specific purchase order document which has been accepted into the SAM II System. |
PATX - Price Agreement Text | N/A | The Price Agreement Text (PATX) table is used to enter and store general comments about the price agreement. |
PCTX - Price Agreement Commodity Text | N/A | The Price Agreement Commodity Text (PCTX) table is used to enter and store text associated with price agreement (commodity) lines. |
PTEX - Purchasing Text | N/A | The Purchasing Text (PTEX) table is used to enter and store text associated with purchase order document commodity lines. |
RCTX - Receiver Text | N/A | The Receiver Text (RCTX) table is used to enter and store text associated with receiver document commodity lines. |
RXTX - Requisition Text | N/A | The Requisition Text (RXTX) table is used to enter and store text associated with requisition document commodity lines. |
AM - Price Agreement Master | Yes | Price Agreement Master (AM) Document is used in the SAM II system to establish Price Agreements and to facilitate contract administration. One of two types of purchase orders can be issued off a particular Price Agreement that has been established via an AM document, the Quick Price Agreement (PGQ) document or Service Contract (SC) document. Price Agreements provide system edits to enforce contract terms, including a specified contract period, relating to either unit price verification (PGQ documents) or maximum dollar amount (SC documents). |
4.8 Grant Documents
The documents below are used to set up a grant for both accounting and billing purposes.
Grant Documents | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
FX - Federal Aid Charge | Yes | A FX document is used to record costs against a grant and has no accounting impact. |
FM - Federal Aid Master | Yes | The FM document is used to set up a grant for future use on accounting transactions. |
FAIT - Federal Aid Inference | N/A | The Federal Aid Inference (FAIT) Table establishes the different accounting distributions that can be posted against a grant and infers the established grant (federal aid number) to the transaction. The table must be set up before a grant transaction can be processed, if the Federal Aid Management Subsystem is being used. The Federal Aid Inference (FAIT) Table allows agencies to set restrictions on what accounting distributions can be used to post transactions to grants. The controls on the Federal Aid Inference (FAIT) Table are determined on the Fund/Agency (FGY2) Table at the beginning of each fiscal year. Only documents entered with a Reporting Category (RPTG) are referenced against this table. |
4.9 Project Documents
The documents below are used to set up a project for both accounting and billing purposes.
Project Documents | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description |
PX - Project Charge | Yes | A PX document is used to record costs against a project and has no accounting impact. |
PJ - Project Management Master | Yes | This document establishes the project number and associated budget for use in future accounting transactions. |
PZ - Project Participation | Yes | This document is used to associate valid program/providers and their contribution amount associated to a project for billing and obtaining reimbursement from the funding sources. |
4.10 Inventory Documents
Need Agency staff to provide descriptive text.
Inventory Documents | Loaded with Approvals Applied | Description | |
INV3 - Inventory Maintenance | N/A | Inventory Inquiry (3 of 3) (INV3) is used to maintain nonsystem generated information about stock items. Item account codes, price method options, and inventory control management parameters are set and/or modified using this screen. |
INKY - Inventory Key Word | N/A | Inventory by Keyword (INKY) allows you to view inventory data by keyword, stock item, and warehouse. |
ABCP - ABC Parameters | N/A | ABC Classification Parameter (ABCP) is used to set management parameters (for example, forecast methods, order quantity method) for stock items with similar management needs. ABC classifications are used to group these items. For example, expensive items may be in one ABC classification while inexpensive items are in another. |
WHS2 - Warehouse | N/A | Warehouse Management (WHS2) consists of related information for each warehouse. It displays general information as well as specific operation conditions. |
OC - Over the Counter | No | The Over the Counter inventory document requests stock items from inventory directly from on-hand quantity. On-hand quantity is reduced by the amount issued. |
SR - Stock Requisition | No | The inventory stock requisition document represents the intent to incur an obligation. It reserves quantities of stock items from an on-hand supply for later delivery and reduces the available quantity. |
MN - Manufactured Items Receipt | Yes |
IA - Physical Inventory Adjustment | Yes | The IA document is used to record adjustments in on-hand quantities or in unit costs of stock items. |
TI - Stock Transfers In | Yes | The Stock Transfer Issue (TI) initiates the transfer of items from one warehouse to another. It has no accounting effects. |
TR - Stock Transfers Receipt | Yes | The Stock Transfer Receipt (TR) completes the transfer of items from one warehouse to another. If Transfer Reorder is selected [Y] on Warehouse Management (WHS2), this document updates Inventory Inquiry (INV2) to reflect issued-out plus transferred-out quantities. This flag causes the system to include transferred items when calculating reorder quantities |
4.11 Other
This is a table interface used to populate the vendor income table for 1099 reporting purposes.