SAM II Financial File Layouts
Advantage Ledger Files
Listed below are record layouts for the SAM II Advantage Financial Ledgers. The files are created during nightly or monthly processing and are stored as generation datasets on disk.
Table Name | Table Number | Description |
OGRP | 0295 | Object Group |
OLOG | 0584 | Override Log |
OPCH | 0901 | Open Check Header Inquiry |
OPCL | 0902 | Open Check Line Inquiry |
OPPC | 0247 | Open Purchase Order Commodity Line Inquiry |
OPPH | 0245 | Open Purchase Order Header Inquiry |
OPPL | 0246 | Open Purchase Order Account Line Inquiry |
OPVH | 0032 | Open Payment Voucher Header Inquiry |
OPVL | 0033 | Open Payment Voucher Line Inquiry |
ORCH | 0248 | Open Receiver Header Inquiry |
ORCL | 0249 | Open Receiver Line Inquiry |
OREH | 0747 | Open Receivable Header Inquiry |
OREL | 0768 | Open Receivable Line Inquiry |
ORGN | 0034 | Organization Index |
ORQC | 0252 | Open Requisition Commodity Line Inquiry |
ORQH | 0250 | Open Requisition Header Inquiry |
ORQL | 0251 | Open Requisition Account Line Inquiry |
OSRC | 0227 | Open Stock Requisition Line Inquiry |
OSRH | 0228 | Open Stock Requisition Header Inquiry |
OSRL | 0226 | Open Stock Requisition Account Line Inquiry |
OTRH | 0229 | Open Stock Transfer Receipt Header Inquiry |
OTRL | 0230 | Open Stock Transfer Receipt Line Inquiry |
OTYP | 0294 | Object Type |
OVIH | 0253 | Open Vendor Invoice Header Inquiry |
OVIL | 0254 | Open Vendor Invoice Line Inquiry |
PACC | 0183 | Pool Accumulation Inquiry |
PACT | 0512 | Phase/Activity |
PASC | 0276 | Price Agreement Security |
PASM | 0274 | Price Agreement Summary |
PATX | 0273 | Price Agreement Text |
PAVC | 0275 | Price Agreement Vendor/Commodity |
PAVT | 0758 | Price Agreement Vendor Text |
PBDF | 0180 | Pool/Base Definition Reference |
PBFS | 0505 | Funding Source |
PCTX | 0759 | Price Agreement Commodity Text |
PERF | 0057 | Performance Actual Inquiry |
PFST | 0500 | Project Funding Source Inquiry |
PGPV | 0517 | Program Provider |
PMTB | 0058 | Performance |
PRBL | 0454 | Project Budget Line Inquiry |
PROV | 0036 | Provider |
PRPH | 0452 | project Phase |
PRST | 0451 | Project Status Code |
PSHD | 0777 | Payment Schedule |
PTEX | 0269 | Purchasing Text |
RCAT | 0039 | Revenue Category |
RCLS | 0040 | Revenue Class |
RCTX | 0271 | Requisition Text |
REJV | 0211 | Recurring Journal Voucher |
REPV | 0212 | Recurring Payment Voucher |